Business/User Value: As an explorer of Diem I want to more than just the 10 most recent transaction so that I can poke around further and find what I'm looking for
Acceptance Criteria
GIVEN I am on the homepage
WHEN click the 'previous' button adjacent to the Recent Transactions Table
THEN the 10 previous transactions are displayed
AND clicking the 'next' button returns me to the original transactions
No designs for this, just make a UI you would like to use while keeping it simple 🙂
[Relevant technical notes that developers may ask you to add to the story during weekly prep meeting (pre-IPM or IPM); sometimes they may add these themselves or add them as tasks]
Business/User Value: As an explorer of Diem I want to more than just the 10 most recent transaction so that I can poke around further and find what I'm looking for
Acceptance Criteria
GIVEN I am on the homepage WHEN click the 'previous' button adjacent to the Recent Transactions Table THEN the 10 previous transactions are displayed AND clicking the 'next' button returns me to the original transactions
DEV NOTES [Relevant technical notes that developers may ask you to add to the story during weekly prep meeting (pre-IPM or IPM); sometimes they may add these themselves or add them as tasks]