diem / explorer

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Address page breaks out the Total number of transactions sent by this address #43

Open gthoma17 opened 2 years ago

gthoma17 commented 2 years ago

IPM Questions

Business/User Value: As an explorer of Diem I want to see the total number of transactions sent by an address so that I can look for suspicious stuff

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN I'm viewing an address page THEN A card displays the total number of transactions sent by that address

DEV NOTES [Relevant technical notes that developers may ask you to add to the story during weekly prep meeting (pre-IPM or IPM); sometimes they may add these themselves or add them as tasks]

mkollasch-vmware commented 2 years ago

The Analytics data counts the transaction volume separately per currency. That is, if account A sends one transaction in XUS and one transaction in XDX, then there'll be two records for that account in realtime_account_balances, one for XUS and one for XDX, and each will have total_transaction_volume_sent as 1.

Should we display the transaction volume for one single currency (XUS), each known currency separately, or all known currencies together? And how should unknown currencies be handled (i.e. in the case that the blockchain adds support for a third currency before Explorer does)?

gthoma17 commented 2 years ago

IPM answer: Just display XUS.