Business/User Value: As an Explorer of Diem I want to the largest transactions that have happened in the last day so that I can look for suspicious activity
Acceptance Criteria
GIVEN I am on the leaderboard page
THEN I see a table listing the 10 largest transactions in the last 24 hours
The table should display:
Version # (as a link)
[Relevant technical notes that developers may ask you to add to the story during weekly prep meeting (pre-IPM or IPM); sometimes they may add these themselves or add them as tasks]
[Indexer team still to work on queries to obtain data from hourly_transfer table]
Work on the Analytics side of this is tracked in We are not blocked, but some change to Analytics might be needed if performance is inadequate.
Business/User Value: As an Explorer of Diem I want to the largest transactions that have happened in the last day so that I can look for suspicious activity
Acceptance Criteria
GIVEN I am on the leaderboard page THEN I see a table listing the 10 largest transactions in the last 24 hours
DESIGN NOTES The table should display:
DEV NOTES [Relevant technical notes that developers may ask you to add to the story during weekly prep meeting (pre-IPM or IPM); sometimes they may add these themselves or add them as tasks] [Indexer team still to work on queries to obtain data from