diem / explorer

Apache License 2.0
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Address page does piecemeal loading #91

Closed gthoma17 closed 2 years ago

gthoma17 commented 2 years ago

Business/User Value: As an explorer of Diem I want to the Address page to display the data it has while waiting for longer running requests to complete so that I can get some of my questions answered faster

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN an address exists WHEN I navigate to that address's page THEN The Sequence Number Card, Authentication Key Card, and Raw Resources Card load as soon as the request for resources completes (even if most recent transactions and modules haven't loaded yet) AND The Smart Contract Methods Card, Smart Contract Structs Card, and Raw Modules Card load as soon as the request for modules completes (even if most recent transactions and resources haven't loaded yet) AND The Recent Transactions Table load as soon as the request completes (even if most modules and resources haven't loaded yet) ALSO Cards and Tables display an indication that they're loading

DEV NOTES [Relevant technical notes that developers may ask you to add to the story during weekly prep meeting (pre-IPM or IPM); sometimes they may add these themselves or add them as tasks]

gthoma17 commented 2 years ago
