diennea / carapaceproxy

A Distributed Java Reverse Proxy
Apache License 2.0
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Improve debugging experience #448

Open NiccoMlt opened 6 months ago

NiccoMlt commented 6 months ago

We should add io.projectreactor:reactor-tools to improve debugging experience on modern IDEs like Intellij IDEA.

Project Reactor comes with a separate Java Agent that instruments the code and adds debugging info without paying a cost for capturing the stacktrace on every operator call like it happens with tracebacks in Debug mode and thus without the runtime performance overhead; see https://projectreactor.io/docs/core/release/reference/#reactor-tools-debug.

This could be very useful in some situations.

From documentation, there seem to be three possible ways to attach the instrumentation code.

Attaching it directly

Running ReactorDebugAgent as a Java Agent

We could add -javaagent reactor-tools.jar to the VM options, by adding it to the JAVA_OPTS environment variable in setenv.sh file.

Running ReactorDebugAgent at build time

We could add it with the Byte Buddy Maven Plugin:

