diennea / carapaceproxy

A Distributed Java Reverse Proxy
Apache License 2.0
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Support of Cache-Control header is only partial #462

Open NiccoMlt opened 2 months ago

NiccoMlt commented 2 months ago

While looking at the block code below to figure out if WebP images would be cached correctly:


we figured out that caching strategy implemented by isChached methods is a little naïve. Taking a look the the actual code:



it is especially evident that we don't actually support all the Cache-Control values.

Request Response
max-age max-age
max-stale -
min-fresh -
- s-maxage
no-cache no-cache
no-store no-store
no-transform no-transform
only-if-cached -
- must-revalidate
- proxy-revalidate
- must-understand
- private
- public
- immutable
- stale-while-revalidate
stale-if-error stale-if-error