I am using rust (v1.62) diesel to do a full text search, now I found a problem that when I pass the wrong sql to PostgreSQL, the rust diesel app did not throw error, that's makes me confusing. This is the main.rs:
extern crate diesel;
use diesel::{debug_query, ExpressionMethods, QueryDsl, QueryResult, RunQueryDsl};
use diesel::query_builder::BoxedSelectStatement;
use diesel_full_text_search::{to_tsquery, to_tsvector};
use diesel_full_text_search::TsVectorExtensions;
use rust_wheel::config::db::config;
use crate::model::diesel::dict::dict_models::Article;
use rust_wheel::common::query::pagination::PaginateForQueryFragment;
use crate::model::diesel::dict::dict_schema::article::created_time;
mod model;
fn main() {
use model::diesel::dict::dict_schema::article as article_table;
let mut query = article_table::table.into_boxed::<diesel::pg::Pg>();
let connection = config::establish_connection();
let ts_query = to_tsquery("历史");
let ts_vector = to_tsvector("'dolphin1zhcfg', title");
query = query.filter(ts_vector.matches(ts_query));
let query = query
let sql1 = debug_query::<diesel::pg::Pg, _>(&query);
let query_result = query.load_and_count_pages::<Article>(&connection);
this is the dict_models.rs:
// Generated by diesel_ext
use std::io::Write;
use diesel::deserialize::FromSql;
use diesel::pg::Pg;
use diesel::serialize::{Output, ToSql};
use diesel::sql_types::Jsonb;
use rocket::serde::Serialize;
use serde::Deserialize;
use chrono::DateTime;
use chrono::Utc;
use crate::model::diesel::dict::dict_schema::*;
#[table_name = "article"]
pub struct Article {
pub id: i64,
pub user_id: i64,
pub title: String,
pub author: String,
pub guid: String,
pub created_time: i64,
pub updated_time: i64,
pub link: Option<String>,
pub sub_source_id: i64,
pub cover_image: Option<String>,
pub channel_reputation: i32,
pub editor_pick: Option<i32>,
name = "rust-learn"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2018"
rocket = { version = "=0.5.0-rc.2", features = ["json"] }
serde = { version = "1.0.64", features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = "1.0.64"
serde_derive = "1.0"
# database
diesel = { version = "1.4.7", features = ["postgres","serde_json"] }
dotenv = "0.15.0"
jsonwebtoken = "7"
chrono = { version = "0.4", features = ["serde"] }
diesel_full_text_search = "1.0.1"
rust_wheel = { git = "https://github.com/jiangxiaoqiang/rust_wheel.git" }
I write the wrong sql deliberately to test the full text procedure. To my surprise, the rust diesel did not capture error information and just return 0 records. I think it should throw some error from PostgreSQL 13 shows that the sql have a bad grammer. Why did this happen? what should I do to make it works as expect? when I copy the execute sql and execute in DBeaver, it shows error. the dolphin1zhcfg did not exists. This is the article table DDL:
-- public.article definition
-- Drop table
-- DROP TABLE public.article;
CREATE TABLE public.article (
user_id int8 NOT NULL,
title varchar(512) NOT NULL,
author varchar(256) NOT NULL,
guid varchar(512) NOT NULL,
created_time int8 NOT NULL,
updated_time int8 NOT NULL,
link varchar(512) NULL,
pub_time timestamptz NULL,
sub_source_id int8 NOT NULL,
cover_image varchar(1024) NULL,
channel_reputation int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
editor_pick int4 NULL DEFAULT 0,
permanent_store int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
CONSTRAINT article_id_seq_pk PRIMARY KEY (id),
CONSTRAINT article_title_sub_source_id_key UNIQUE (title, sub_source_id)
CREATE INDEX article_sub_source_id_idx ON public.article USING btree (sub_source_id);
CREATE INDEX article_title_gin ON public.article USING gin (to_tsvector('english'::regconfig, (title)::text));
CREATE INDEX article_title_zh_gin ON public.article USING gin (to_tsvector('dolphinzhcfg'::regconfig, (title)::text));
CREATE INDEX idx_article_created_time ON public.article USING btree (created_time);
I am using rust (
) diesel to do a full text search, now I found a problem that when I pass the wrong sql to PostgreSQL, the rust diesel app did not throw error, that's makes me confusing. This is themain.rs
:this is the
:this is the
:and this is the project full dependencies:
I write the wrong sql deliberately to test the full text procedure. To my surprise, the rust diesel did not capture error information and just return 0 records. I think it should throw some error from PostgreSQL 13 shows that the sql have a bad grammer. Why did this happen? what should I do to make it works as expect? when I copy the execute sql and execute in DBeaver, it shows error. the
did not exists. This is the article table DDL:Am I missing something?