dieterich-lab / DCC

DCC uses output from the STAR read mapper to systematically detect back-splice junctions in next-generation sequencing data. DCC applies a series of filters and integrates data across replicate sets to arrive at a precise list of circRNA candidates.
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DCC errors out looking for bam index/sorted bam #44

Closed ShobanaSekar closed 6 years ago

ShobanaSekar commented 6 years ago


I am running into the attached error when running DCC where it says it cannot find the bam index or that the bam is not sorted by coordinate, but both conditions are true for my dataset.


This is my command line: DCC @data/samplesheet -mt1 @data/mate1 -mt2 @data/mate2 -D -N -R ${Repeats} -an ${Annotation} -Pi -F -M -Nr 2 1 -fg -G -A ${Reference}

This is the content of _tmp_DCC folder:


Appreciate your help!

Best, Shobana

tjakobi commented 6 years ago

Dear Shobana,

please try to use the -B flag with a file containing the BAM files as suggested by the error message:

  -B BAM [BAM ...], --bam BAM [BAM ...]
                        A file specifying the mapped BAM files from which host
                        gene expression is computed; must have the same order
                        as input chimeric junction files

Your input files are not following the standard STAR naming scheme which is why the automatic guessing step fails.

Please let me know if that solves your problem.

Cheers, Tobias

ShobanaSekar commented 6 years ago

Thank you Tobias. I tried that as well but I still end up with the same error.

This is my command line: DCC data/samplesheet -mt1 data/mate1 -mt2 data/mate2 -B data/bamfilelist -D -N -R ${Repeats} -an ${Annotation} -Pi -F -M -Nr 2 1 -fg -G -A ${Reference}

I added the bam file list (transcriptome out bam from STAR). This is my bam file list (same order as chimeric junction files) bamfilelist.txt

And here are the logs: DCC-2017-11-23_12-44.log.txt

Thanks again for your help!


tjakobi commented 6 years ago

Dear Shobana,

could you please verify your version of pysam?

pip list | grep sam
pysam (0.10.0)

Cloud you additionally list the output of

la -la /scratch/ssekar/ADCC_circRNA_rerun/downsampled/DCC/STAR/STAR_OUT/ADCC_0001_PC_L02652.sub.proj/Joint/ADCC_0001_PC_L02652.sub.*

I'd like to see how the BAM files are their indices are named.

Cheers, Tobias

ShobanaSekar commented 6 years ago

My pysam version is: pysam (0.10.0)

Here is the listing of the Joint directory for this sample: Sample_0001_JointFolder_listing.txt

Thanks, Shobana

tjakobi commented 6 years ago

Dear Shobana,

sorry for the delay. I'm having a hard time reproducing your error. Just to make sure we're on the same page:

Cheers, Tobias

ShobanaSekar commented 6 years ago

Hi Tobias,

I apologize for the delay. I initially had some installation issues (permissions related) so my hpc admin installed it for me. After your reply I tried re-installing in my local home with the --user option and it went through fine. Both were 0.4.4 version but am not sure why the first installation is not running but the second one is. But thanks a lot for your help and appreciate your patience!

Best, Shobana