dieterich-lab / FUCHS

FUCHS - FUll circle CHaracterization from rna-Seq
GNU General Public License v3.0
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some issues with FUCHS #12

Open CYZbasebio opened 7 years ago

CYZbasebio commented 7 years ago


I found some issues here:

  1. when set -N HCOA1_new, there is a new directory named “HCOA1_new” created in output fold (many bam files and bai files in this fold), BUT FUCHS will get a error like this: default I guess FUCHS want say "/DataProcess/Project/qindanProject/Arabidopsis_thaliana/circular_RNA/test20170412_FUCHS/HCOA1_new"。

  2. FUCHS option “-s” means SKIPPED_STEPS, but in manual,it means "character used to separate name and exon number".

  3. what the Annotation.bed file should be? what's the difference between "refseq" and "ensembl" specify by option -p, how -e control FUCHS get what it want. I do suggest authors write a real detailed and reproducible workflow for FUCHS, thanks a lot.

  4. here is my command used: FUCHS -r 2 -q 2 -p ensembl -e 2 -T ~/tmp -D CircRNACount -J HCOA1.Chimeric.out.junction -F HCOA1.mate1.Chimeric.out.junction -R HCOA1.mate2.Chimeric.out.junction.fixed -B merged_HCOA1.sorted.bam -A Arabidopsis_thaliana.refseq2.bed -N HCOA1_new

  5. here is annotation.bed used: 1 3630 3913 AT1G01010.1_exon_1_0_1_3631_f 0 + 1 3995 4276 AT1G01010.1_exon_2_0_1_3996_f 0 + 1 4485 4605 AT1G01010.1_exon_3_0_1_4486_f 0 +

CYZbasebio commented 7 years ago

when I give FUCHS a created fold "/DataProcess/Project/qindanProject/Arabidopsis_thaliana/circular_RNA/test20170412_FUCHS/demoOUT/HCOA1" (set -N HCOA1 -O demoOUT), FUCHS seems found what it want and run forward. A new error found: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/FUCHS", line 11, in load_entry_point('FUCHS==0.1.0', 'console_scripts', 'FUCHS')() File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/FUCHS-0.1.0-py2.7.egg/FUCHS/", line 258, in main File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/FUCHS-0.1.0-py2.7.egg/FUCHS/", line 305, in run self.platform) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/FUCHS-0.1.0-py2.7.egg/FUCHS/", line 140, in circle_coverage_profile coverage = virtual_bed.coverage(bam, d=True, split=True) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pybedtools/", line 775, in decorated result = method(self, *args, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pybedtools/", line 337, in wrapped decode_output=decode_output, File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pybedtools/", line 356, in call_bedtools raise BEDToolsError(subprocess.list2cmdline(cmds), stderr) pybedtools.helpers.BEDToolsError: Command was:

bedtools coverage -split -d -b /DataProcess/Project/qindanProject/Arabidopsis_thaliana/circular_RNA/test20170412_FUCHS/demoOUT/HCOA1/1_24301628_24302463_4reads.sorted.bam -a /home/yuanzhi/tmp/pybedtools.i6GLrN.tmp

Error message was: Unexpected file format. Please use tab-delimited BED, GFF, or VCF. Perhaps you have non-integer starts or ends at line 1?

FranziMe commented 7 years ago

Hi CYZbasebio,

Thanks for your report. Which bedtools version is in your PATH? I will try to take care of the first issue as soon as possible.
