dieterich-lab / JACUSA2

New version of JACUSA -> 2.0
GNU General Public License v3.0
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non standard VCF output ? #77

Open gianfilippo opened 3 weeks ago

gianfilippo commented 3 weeks ago


I ran with the following command line for RDD: java -jar $scriptPATH/JACUSA_v2.0.4.jar call-2 -p $nCPUs -F 1024 -a I,B,S,M,H:condition=1 -r $outPATH/$outFILE -f V -b $bedPATH/$bedFILE -R $genPATH/$genFILE $wgsPATH/$smpID/${smpID}.merged.aligned.sorted.bam $rnaPATH/$smpID/${smpID}.Aligned.sortedByCoord.bam

bedFILE: REDIportal converted to bed file

The output VCF file seems to have non standard header, as for instance, FixVcfHeader (picard) stops with an error. I also tried to filter with "vcftools --minDP", but it results in the following error: "Error: Require Genotypes in variant file in order to filter genotypes by Depth." I also tried simply bcftools stats, but the "# DP, Depth distribution" is empty

Also, JACUSA2helper does not read vcfs.

Am I making a mistake somewhere ?


piechottam commented 2 weeks ago

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