dieterich-lab / nmdtxdb

Shiny application and code for the database for NMD targets
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Improve app responsiveness - use CRIU for the R process #5

Closed tbrittoborges closed 8 months ago

tbrittoborges commented 1 year ago

tbrittoborges commented 1 year ago

Hi @HaraldWilhelmi,

can you test what we discussed earlier today?

The app leaves in the shiny server: (

The docker file is at /home/tbrittoborges/apps/nmd_transcriptome/Dockerfile


HaraldWilhelmi commented 1 year ago

The present version of the app is based on the the Docker image rocker/verse:4.2.1. That in turn uses an old Ubuntu version (focal), for which no criu is available. So as a first step we moved to a private repo ( and try to upgrade to a much newer image/R version (4.3.1). That will give us a much newer Ubuntu version, for which we have at least a pre-compiled PPA version.

HaraldWilhelmi commented 1 year ago

Using this instructions to upgrade renv.lock:

HaraldWilhelmi commented 1 year ago

Had to do manually: R -e 'renv::install("dzhang32/ggtranscript")'

HaraldWilhelmi commented 1 year ago

Seems that it is easier to stay with the old software versions. The key seems to be to get criu from a PPA repo:

add-apt-repository ppa:criu/ppa

tbrittoborges commented 1 year ago

See here for the app initialization profile.

HaraldWilhelmi commented 1 year ago

Status from Monday: We have a working implementation with CRIU now - see With naive approach to just preload 'library('nmdtx') we just get an improvement of 2 seconds (13 s -> 11 s).

tbrittoborges commented 1 year ago

Profiling the app within the container is not trivial. Here are my steps. As of now, the profiler is not outputting the report as expected.


Connect to the shiny-new server:

ssh tbrittoborges@
cd /home/tbrittoborges/nmdtx/deploy

Change rstart.R by adding the preload command, in the example the command is commented out:

# library("nmdtx")
while (! file.exists('/restore.marker')) {
    print ('waiting....')
    print('Library loaded')
system(paste('mkdir -p', tempdir()))
system('tail --follow=name /criu_dumps/rlogs.log > /criu_dumps/rlogs_container.log  &')
shiny_user  <- basename(readLines('/shiny_user.txt'));
shiny_groups  <- basename(readLines('/shiny_usergroups.txt'));
print(paste('User', shiny_user))
Sys.setenv('SHINYPROXY_USERNAME' = shiny_user, 'SHINYPROXY_USERGROUPS' = shiny_groups)
p <- profvis::profvis({
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(p, "profile.html")

Build the image:


Run the container on the detached mode, so we can copy the profviz output:

docker run --privileged -it --entrypoint '/' --detach nmdtx

Keep track of the init.

docker logs -f $(docker ps -q | head -n1)

Once the app is done, copy the profile file from the container to the server.

docker cp $(docker ps -q | head -n1):profile.html profile.html

Copy the file from a remote to your local machine, give it a descriptive name.

scp tbrittoborges@shinynew:/nmdtx/deploy/profile.html  profile_noChange.html

Once done, stop the container, and profile the next initialization strategy.

docker stop $(docker ps -q | head -n1)

Important if the following message repeats after ./, there is something wrong rstart.R:

ls: cannot access '/criu_dumps/dump.done': No such file or directory
Waiting for dump...
HaraldWilhelmi commented 1 year ago


ls: cannot access '/criu_dumps/dump.done': No such file or directory
Waiting for dump...

That comes from the loop, which check if the dump is done. It is normal for the start, but should stop after 2 or 3 interations.

tbrittoborges commented 1 year ago

Yes, that is fine. The problem is at the profiling line:

p <- profvis::profvis({

The profvis function requires a stop signal, and I could not find a way to do that within the docker environment.

tbrittoborges commented 1 year ago

For documentation, I tried the solution for remote server, from here:

But current the app has not stop, but I could add one.

Rprof(strftime(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.Rprof"),
      interval = 0.01, line.profiling = TRUE,
      gc.profiling = TRUE, memory.profiling = TRUE)

onStop(function() {