dietrichson / ProPublicaR

R Functions to Interact with the ProPublica APIs
GNU General Public License v2.0
10 stars 4 forks source link

Nonprofit Explorer API #13

Open tiernanmartin opened 4 years ago

tiernanmartin commented 4 years ago

I'm happy to include the functionality you are looking for. Can you create an issue on my github account?

Originally posted by @dietrichson in

It would be nice if this package provided access to ProPublica's Nonprofit Explorer API, in addition to the Congress and Campaign Finance APIs.

The RPublica package was created to work with the (now deprecated) Nonprofit Explorer API v1, but it hasn't been updated to the most recent version (v2).

To your question about functionality, I think that replicating RPublica's two functions would be a good place to start:

  1. npsearch(): retrieves subsets of available organizations
  2. np_org(): retrieves detailed information about a given organization, including a direct link to the complete Form 990 for that organization (as a PDF)

See the RPublica readme for a bit more detail on each of those functions.

JustinMShea commented 2 years ago

Hi @dietrichson,

Any progress on this? Do you need help?
