I spent some time trying to make this work but didn't succeed in Rhino 8. The idea is to override the GH_Component.AppendAdditionalMenuItems method so that we can have custom additional menus for inputs and change between Assembly-Beam-Joint-Face previews for example. Here a successful example for Rhino 7 from gh forum in case someone else has more luck/ understands better why it doesn't work in our case.
I spent some time trying to make this work but didn't succeed in Rhino 8. The idea is to override the GH_Component.AppendAdditionalMenuItems method so that we can have custom additional menus for inputs and change between Assembly-Beam-Joint-Face previews for example. Here a successful example for Rhino 7 from gh forum in case someone else has more luck/ understands better why it doesn't work in our case.