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content suggestions for CMI page #10

Open mmckerns opened 10 years ago

mmckerns commented 10 years ago

*) good that it states what the project is first. I'd say what the goal is and why you might use it in the first paragraph. Very short. Three to four sentences tops. The more reading you have to do, the more you will lose people. Tell people why the should be reading the rest of the page in the first paragraph and don't be shy about it. Tell people why they want to be on this page, and what they are going to get if they read further and download some stuff. Often, a cool picture or so helps, as well as some simple code where people can say… "ooh cool, I want that"

*) License needs to be updated, I think.

*) The one page monolith html page is too long, and it repeats itself. You have a list of the modules, and no links to them… then at the bottom, you have links to the docs. Condense this into one place. Also why "Installation"… then link to "Linux,Unix" instead of just having it all in one place? This all might be better as more than one page… I'd at least have one page for modules developed by the team, then another page for "externally developed modules" that add additional functionality… or are dependencies. Maybe give a small blurb why you might want to use each of the CMI packages, not just what it is. Also, you could tell what using one of the "external" package adds to your abilities in the CMI context. That might easily lead into some examples in the near future. The page, as is, is boring… and it leaves me wanting to know why I am here -- again, I'd try to think about what the "best" feature of each package is, and state that instead of giving the dry description. You have most of this type of description in the README.rst files.

*) The long list of dependencies is off-putting because it's long. I almost stopped reading before I hit the "sudo apt-get install…" part and realized it's easy. I was thinking, "I'm not installing all of this". Maybe make it seem easy to install first, then if you need to list dependencies, do that later. I'd put a "single-click" download link on the front page, and then have a separate page for all the rest of the installation jazz.

*) Note the PDFgui page is much much better, and is focused, and does much of what I suggested above. Maybe there's too much going on on the CMI page? It needs some thought. Maybe the best is to have a webpage for each of the CMI products (or at least srfit, srreal, structure, and maybe pyobjcryst). The CMI page could then be of a more singular focus -- community-building: CMI-exchange (of software) and 'CMI-exchange' of ideas/information/support (through the 'groups' and other contact mechanisms).