diffusionkinetics / open

DiffusionKinetics open-source monorepo
MIT License
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Youido improvements #83

Open glutamate opened 6 years ago

glutamate commented 6 years ago
balajirrao commented 6 years ago

@glutamate, regarding "Support for DB pools", what exactly do you have in mind ? Since Youido never deals with DBs is confusing me.

Also, regarding "custom 404/500 handler", we have , _notFoundHtml :: Html () in below, which would count as a custom 404 handler ?

data Youido auth m = Youido
  { _handlers :: [Handler m] -- ^ list of handlers
  , _notFoundHtml :: Html () -- ^ default, if nothing found
  , _wrapper :: auth -> (Html () -> Html ()) -- ^ wrapper for Html
  , _lookupUser:: Request -> Email-> ByteString-> IO (Maybe auth)
  , _port :: Int