digama0 / mmj2

mmj2 GUI Proof Assistant for the Metamath project
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Misc Bugs from 10/5 in PA GUI and Friends #13

Open ghost opened 5 years ago

ghost commented 5 years ago

Lots of little things to fix. I'm just copying my notes so there are no surprises later...


2018-10-05: ISSUE PA GUI Miscellaneous Bugs from today


2018-10-05: ISSUE PA GUI Miscellaneous Bugs from today

    - mmj2 : TL Menu Items:
            - Unable to set Theorem Loader Store Formulas ASIS to false
            - Unable to set Theorem Loader Audit Messages to false
            - Many problems setting Theorem Loader mmt folder, including
              showing an error message with a getYesNoAnswer() dialog!


2018-10-05: ISSUE PA GUI Miscellaneous Bugs from today

    - mmj2 : File/Save Proof File
             File/Save As 
             File/Open Proof File   show default directory
             of user2, not the mmj2Path or the already given


2018-10-05: ISSUE PA GUI Miscellaneous Bugs from today

    - mmj2 : File/New Proof asked for Theorem Label, accepted invalid
             label (see Proof Worksheet below): 

$( THEOREM=as;dfkljasdjklf;laaldfsjl;aadjksf;laadjksfl;adjksfl;adjksflk;ajsdkfl;jaskdlfjkl;aadksjflasjdfjlasdfasldfjklasdjfk;a;fdl;agjl;akgj LOC_AFTER=?

h1:: |- ? 2:?: |- ? qed:?: |- ?



2018-10-05: ISSUE PA GUI Miscellaneous Bugs from today

    - mmj2 : Ctrl-U causes abort with following proof worksheet
             (and note that Highlighting is off, the dump just shows
             method/object names.) It is stored in blablah/mytemp/assdfsadf.mmp
             and all that is need to create the abort is to open proof file and
             hit ctrl-u.

Exception in thread "Thread-1" java.lang.NullPointerException at mmj.pa.ProofAsst.unifyProofWorksheet(ProofAsst.java:1691) at mmj.pa.ProofAsst.unify(ProofAsst.java:660) at mmj.pa.ProofAsstGUI$44.send(ProofAsstGUI.java:2145) at mmj.pa.ProofAsstGUI$RequestThreadStuff.run(ProofAsstGUI.java:2315) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)

$( THEOREM=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa LOC_AFTER=?

qed:?: |- ph



2018-10-05: ISSUE PA GUI Miscellaneous Bugs from today

    - mmj2 : runparm TheoremLoaderMMTFolder,myproofs/mmt 
             causes abort. 

             Attempting first batch test of UT19100updated.txt

END CommandLineArguments.displayArgumentOptionReport()

I-UT-0015 Processing RunParmFile Command #1 = ProofAsstHighlightingEnabled,no I-UT-0015 Processing RunParmFile Command #2 = MacrosEnabled,no I-UT-0015 Processing RunParmFile Command #3 = ProofAsstProofFolder,myproofs/mmp I-UT-0015 Processing RunParmFile Command #4 = TheoremLoaderMMTFolder,myproofs/mmt mmj.pa.MMJException: A-UT-0200 Cannot complete current RunParmFile request because either, a) the previous LoadFile RunParm processing detected errors in the input Metamath file; or b) a LoadFile RunParm must be input before the current RunParmFile line. Review previous error messages to find the error. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: mmj.pa.MMJException: A-UT-0200 Cannot complete current RunParmFile request because either, a) the previous LoadFile RunParm processing detected errors in the input Metamath file; or b) a LoadFile RunParm must be input before the current RunParmFile line. Review previous error messages to find the error. at mmj.util.Boss.error(Boss.java:755) at mmj.util.Boss.error(Boss.java:746) at mmj.util.Boss.error(Boss.java:740) at mmj.util.LogicalSystemBoss.getLogicalSystem(LogicalSystemBoss.java:164) at mmj.util.TheoremLoaderBoss.getTlPreferences(TheoremLoaderBoss.java:105) at mmj.util.TheoremLoaderBoss.editTheoremLoaderMMTFolder(TheoremLoaderBoss.java:158) at mmj.util.Boss.lambda$0(Boss.java:107) at mmj.util.Boss.doRunParmCommand(Boss.java:121) at mmj.util.BatchFramework.executeRunParmCommand(BatchFramework.java:290) at mmj.util.BatchFramework.runIt(BatchFramework.java:231) at mmj.util.BatchMMJ2.main(BatchMMJ2.java:55) Caused by: mmj.pa.MMJException: A-UT-0200 Cannot complete current RunParmFile request because either, a) the previous LoadFile RunParm processing detected errors in the input Metamath file; or b) a LoadFile RunParm must be input before the current RunParmFile line. Review previous error messages to find the error. ... 10 more mmj.pa.MMJException: A-UT-0200 Cannot complete current RunParmFile request because either, a) the previous LoadFile RunParm processing detected errors in the input Metamath file; or b) a LoadFile RunParm must be input before the current RunParmFile line. Review previous error messages to find the error. logout Saving session... ...copying shared history... ...saving history...truncating history files... ...completed.

[Process completed]

RESOLVED: The RunParm cannot be input before LoadFile:


            (I did not know that.)


2018-10-05: ISSUE PA GUI Miscellaneous Bugs from today

    - mmj2 : runparm file paths with '\' in RunParm causing 
             problems on Mac, but '/' ok. These are supposed
             to be system independent (in the code measures
             are required.)


2018-10-05: ISSUE PA GUI Miscellaneous Bugs from today

    - mmj2 : Theorem Loader exports csbima12g to mmt folder
             with ANY proof format "normal", "packed" or "compressed"
             and gibberish? is the result?

             NEGATIVE: output in .mmt always packed format,
             which is not recognized when loaded by TL...

ProofAsstHighlightingEnabled,no MacrosEnabled,no LoadFile,RegressionTest1set.mm VerifyProof, Parse, ProofAsstUnifySearchExclude,biigb,xxxid,dummylink ProofAsstProofFolder,myproofs/mmp/ TheoremLoaderMMTFolder,myproofs/mmt/temp ExtractTheoremToMMTFolder,csbima12g

${ $d x y z $. $d A y $. $d A z $. $d B y $. $d B z $. $d C y $. $d C z $. $d F y $. $d F z $. $( Move class substitution in and out of the image of a function. (Contributed by FL, 15-Dec-2006.) $) csbima12g $p |- ( A e. C -> [ A / x ] ( F " B ) = ( [ A / x ] F " [ A / x ] B ) ) $= cA cC 1:wcel vy cA vx vy 2:cv cF cB 3:cima 4:csb csb vy cA vx 2 cF 5:csb 6:csb vy cA vx 2 cB 7:csb 8:csb 9:cima vx cA 3 csb vx cA cF 10:csb vx cA cB 11:csb 12:cima vy vz cA 4 9 cC 1 vy vz 6 8 1 vy ax-17 vy vz cA 5 cC vz 13:cv cA wcel vy 14:ax-17 hbcsb1g vy vz cA 7 cC 14 hbcsb1g hbimad 2 cA 15:wceq 4 5 7 16:cima 6 7 cima 9 4 16 17:wceq 15 vx cv 2 18:wceq vx wex 17 vx vy a9e 18 17 vx vx vz vz 4 16 vx vz 2 3 vy 19:visset 13 2 wcel vx 20:ax-17 hbcsb1 vx vz 5 7 vx vz 2 cF 19 20 hbcsb1 vx vz 2 cB 19 20 hbcsb1 hbima hbeq 18 3 5 cB cima 4 16 18 cF 5 cB vx 2 cF csbeq1a imaeq1d vx 2 3 csbeq1a 18 cB 7 5 vx 2 cB csbeq1a imaeq2d 3eqtr3d 19.23ai ax-mp a1i 15 5 6 7 vy cA 5 csbeq1a imaeq1d 15 7 8 6 vy cA 7 csbeq1a imaeq2d 3eqtrd csbiegf vx vy cA 3 cC csbcog 1 9 10 8 cima 12 1 6 10 8 vx vy cA cF cC csbcog imaeq1d 1 8 11 10 vx vy cA cB cC csbcog imaeq2d eqtrd 3eqtr3d $. $}


2018-10-05: ISSUE PA GUI Miscellaneous Bugs from today

    - mmj2 : Edit/Set Soft DJ Vars Error Handling = 2, Report is
             being processed exactly like 1, Ignore. There are
             supposed to be output error messages in the messages

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