digaus / esphome-components-eqiva

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Opening lock does not work #10

Closed manta42 closed 2 months ago

manta42 commented 4 months ago

It doesn't work on the web, and when I implement it in esphome it remains the same, ignores the opening...

img 318

When I close it it does so correctly. img 320

In HA the button appears correctly - closed img 321

If I manually press the lock to open, it opens the lock more turns than I have configured (2) and then ends up closing the lock. So it does appear closed on the HA button. img 322

The lock control behavior is a bit strange, It ignores the HA close button and if it opens, it does so with more turns than configured (2) Do you know what could be happening? It is implemented in an esp wroom-32

Thank you,

digaus commented 4 months ago

Do you call open or unlock via HA? Open will turn until it cannot turn anymore to be able to open doors without a handle on the outside.

Unlock will turn as far as you configured. Are you sure that you have applied the settings? What is the behaviour with the original app?

digaus commented 4 months ago

Yes HA lock card uses open instead of unlock.

manta42 commented 4 months ago

Sorry, now I have tried the original app and it works correctly... I have used esphome-components-eqiva again and it works correctly... I don't know what I was doing wrong previously, but thanks for responding so quickly.

I already have the card integrated...it's fantastic. img 323

Thank you very much for your integration into HA...