digaus / esphome-components-eqiva

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Connect Fingerprint reader #17

Open henfri opened 1 month ago

henfri commented 1 month ago


Can you say, weather connecting a r503 Fingerprint reader to the same ESP would Work?


Best regards, Hendrik

tergontor commented 1 month ago

In my case, I have connected the r503 to an esp8266 d1 mini and the eqiva to an esp32-ethernet working fine. I don't know if putting them on the same board would not affect performance.

digaus commented 1 month ago

That's how I am using mine since 6 months. Works totally fine, no issues at all. However you need to check if everything still fits on the ESP flash.

With latest esphome I had to comment out the logger so it would fit.



henfri commented 1 month ago

Great. Thank you!