digaus / esphome-components-eqiva

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Just a Request #4

Open wes1993 opened 6 months ago

wes1993 commented 6 months ago

There is a way to access the Smart Lock with Phone after i have configured and turned on the ESP32? I'll try to explain better: I have confugred the ESP and everything works very well but now i can't use the app from my mobile (For example if i can't access my HA instance) if the ESP32 is powerd on, my question is can we "open" the connection to smart lock only when we want to update sensor or open/close the door?

Thanks a lot Stefano

henfri commented 5 months ago


this is possible, but has drawbacks. The reaction time is ~10-15s then.

  - eqiva_key_ble.connect:
  - eqiva_key_ble.lock:
  - delay: 15s
  - eqiva_key_ble.disconnect:

(and similar for the other actions)

to get a status every four minutes:

Call Status every 4 minutes because lock seems to disconnect after 5 minutes of inactivity need to watch battery consumption

    - platform: sntp
      timezone: Europe/Berlin
       - 0.pool.ntp.org
       - 1.pool.ntp.org
       - 2.pool.ntp.org
        # Every 4 minutes get Status, to ensure quick reaction
        - cron: '00 /4 21-23 * * *'
            - eqiva_key_ble.status:
            - eqiva_key_ble.disconnect:
wes1993 commented 5 months ago

@henfri, Thanks a lot :-D