digdir / dialogporten

Dialogporten - common API and and metadata state store for digital dialogs
MIT License
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Improve and increase coverage of alerting about issues in our system #1261

Open arealmaas opened 1 week ago

arealmaas commented 1 week ago

Videreføring av issue: https://github.com/digdir/dialogporten/issues/75

Following up on the mentioned issue, we need to improve alerts and insight into errors/issues in our system.


Her er en liste over typiske feilsituasjoner som vi trenger å varsle om:

Andre situasjoner som indikerer hendelser som kan negativt påvirke tjenestenivå:


Create Slack-channels for each environment? To make clear the severity of alerts

- [ ] Create Slack-channels for each environment? To make clear the severity of alerts
arealmaas commented 1 week ago


https://digdir.slack.com/archives/C079D6PAGDS/p1728552564466459 https://digdir.slack.com/archives/C079XRW5G5A/p1728559035522959