The slacknotifier deployment is a bit brittle. There was an issue 18th Nov where alerts stopped in Slack, reason is that a deployment done the Friday before had cleared all functions in the function apps in all environments, without knowing the exact reason for this yet..
As we have all other applications and jobs in Container Apps it might make sense to add the slack-notifier there as well.
We could also look into how we could easily add this for Arbeidsflate too and redo the alerting system. Is there a possibility to utilize Grafana for this (which already have a Slack-integration) so we don't need a separate application? Think i remember Platform team demoed getting logs into Grafana from application insights. We could use that to trigger alerts too.
Things to look into:
Slack-notifier in container apps. Doable?
Redo the alerting. Use Grafana or something else?
Landing on a solution which makes it easy for Arbeidsflate to use the same alerting
### Tasks
- [ ] Implementation tasks are added here
### Threat modelling
- [ ] Does this change introduce any potential security issues?
The slacknotifier deployment is a bit brittle. There was an issue 18th Nov where alerts stopped in Slack, reason is that a deployment done the Friday before had cleared all functions in the function apps in all environments, without knowing the exact reason for this yet..
As we have all other applications and jobs in Container Apps it might make sense to add the slack-notifier there as well.
We could also look into how we could easily add this for Arbeidsflate too and redo the alerting system. Is there a possibility to utilize Grafana for this (which already have a Slack-integration) so we don't need a separate application? Think i remember Platform team demoed getting logs into Grafana from application insights. We could use that to trigger alerts too.
Things to look into:
Acceptance criteria
GIVEN ... WHEN .... THEN ...
GIVEN ... WHEN .... THEN ...