digdir / dialogporten

Dialogporten - common API and and metadata state store for digital dialogs
MIT License
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Change cultureCode to languageCode #863

Open elsand opened 2 weeks ago

elsand commented 2 weeks ago


Having support for anything but neutral cultures takes us far into YAGNI-land, so we change the name of "cultureCode" to "languageCode" and start normalizing inputs to culture-neutral two/three letter ISO-639 codes.


See discussion on https://altinndevops.slack.com/archives/C06FTKW146B/p1715858314202269?thread_ts=1715770039.305999&cid=C06FTKW146B

We should continue to accept culture specific inputs (en_GB, en_US, en-GB, en-US), but should always normalize this (in the database) as a culture neutral code (ie. en).

This is a breaking change. There should not be made any attempts to convert existing data in the database.

### Tasks
- [x] Rename cultureCode to languageCode in localizationset
- [x] Change normalization to always store culture-neutral codes
- [ ] Add e2e-test
### Threat modelling
- [x] Does this change introduce any potential security issues? No

Acceptance criteria

GIVEN a service owner creating a dialog with localization sets WHEN a localization set contains a culture specifc language code (eg. "en_US" or "en-US") THEN the code should be normalized to its culture neutral code (eg. "en") and stored as such in the database