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Reetablere ytelsesmiljøet i sky #5

Closed OddArneSaetervik closed 4 months ago

OddArneSaetervik commented 2 years ago

Description of the current situation and some assertions about our future performance test demands

To day we have to two load agent pools. One for Altinn 2.0 and another one for Altinn 3.0.

The usage of 2.0 agent pool is about (x) hours on a monthly basis: // TODO: PB supply stats/model

The usage of 3.0 agent pool is approximately (y) hours on a monthly basis: // TODO: PB supply stats/model

Ref. link to Ytelsesrutiner, our operational performance routines will be automated and the tests will run nightly after each code deployment in a performance environment. Both the portal and end-user systems that are making requests towards apps servers must be regularly and frequently tested.

Consolidation of test suites running on a common agent pool makes us belive will support transparency and better interaction between testers.

Description of the initiative and solution

Although the initiative will provide good value independently, it is still natural to see it in the context of a more comprehensive modernization process for the Altinn-solution. With this as a background, the initiative calls for consolidation and modernization to streamline performance testing. A possible follow-up might be moving also performance test environments to cloud.

Description of the expected benefit/effect

Ref. description of current situation and future demands, we see it as beneficial to consolidate performance test that runs in a singel agent pool and transfer it to a more dynamic scaling platform. This will ensure that the Altinn solution in a most efficient way and with the highest possible quality can be performance tested (implicit integration and robustness tested), at the same time as we inflict cost on the Altinn-Collaboration partners that is in a more direct proportion to the necessary resource usage than today.

Stakeholders and target groups

Altinn Operations/Performance manger Altinn-Collaboration/Service Owners Altinn-Dev(Ops) teams


Ytelsestestrutiner: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/file/97B6BAD6-7886-4DF2-BCB9-F74284EA5FFA?tenantId=008e560f-08af-4cec-a056-b35447503991&fileType=docx&objectUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fdigdir.sharepoint.com%2Fsites%2FAltinnYtelse%2FDelte%20dokumenter%2FGeneral%2FRutiner%20og%20prosesser%2FAltinn%20T3.0%20rutiner%20ytelsetest.docx&baseUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fdigdir.sharepoint.com%2Fsites%2FAltinnYtelse&serviceName=teams&threadId=19:c908fc5b59a84703a8b096d45440f9c4@thread.skype&groupId=eff6ae3e-b48e-4801-b2d9-f97c3fb29950

fsveinsb commented 1 year ago

@altinnadmin Kan du gi meg skrivetilgang til denne saken ?