digexp / DX.Kubernetes.IBM-Cloud

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Create an ingress service #13

Open ioualha opened 6 years ago

ioualha commented 6 years ago


Very good job thank you.

I'm trying to create an ingress service but it doesn't work.

Could you prodive the yml file.


georgefridrich commented 6 years ago

Hi ioualha,

We will provided a layer 7 ingress controller on a future git repo drop. That wasn't part of the scope for the effort in Feb/March. I will provide it early, this month, if I can get to it. You don't really need it until we begin our cluster deployments however even in a standalone it would be nice to have. I will do my best to make it available asap. I plan to use Citrix which is available on our IBM Cloud catalog. Thanks.

ioualha commented 6 years ago

Hi @georgefridrich , Could you communicate a date for the next step (cluster deployment)? Thanks

laurenwendel commented 6 years ago

Hi all - Right now the instructions provided can be used for single server WebSphere Portal Server and/or Web Content Manager implementations. We'll update the readme [ https://github.com/digexp/DX.Kubernetes.IBM-Cloud ] and guide for this posting when cluster or farming topology architectures are made available, after testing on IBM Cloud. We are working towards this goal but don't have a defined timeline to share at this point. We'll be interested in your continued feedback here, and your intended use case for your efforts. Thank you.