diggerhq / digger

Digger is an open source IaC orchestration tool. Digger allows you to run IaC in your existing CI pipeline ⚡️
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Terragrunt project failing to apply due to locks acquired when planning PR #1590

Open carcunha opened 1 week ago

carcunha commented 1 week ago

I had this project that is failing to apply, seems to be around the locks due to the messages posted on the logs. I checked the code, and it gets past line https://github.com/diggerhq/digger/blob/77ee0b1a082838696cb46dad872016790643f9ab/cli/pkg/digger/digger.go#L392 because of the message, then somehow it doesn't apply:

Following commands are going to be executed:
project: organizations_fastnorth_repositories_github-actions: commands: "digger apply", 
project: organizations_fastnorth_repositories_github-docker-build: commands: "digger apply", 
project: organizations_fastnorth_repositories_github-ecs-deploy: commands: "digger apply", 
project: organizations_fastnorth_repositories_github-ecs-job-controller: commands: "digger apply", 
project: organizations_fastnorth_repositories_github-stats: commands: "digger apply", 
project: organizations_fastnorth_repositories_github-tf-static-analysis: commands: "digger apply", 
project: organizations_fastnorth_repositories_github-utils: commands: "digger apply", 
Running 'digger apply' for project 'organizations_fastnorth_repositories_github-actions' (workflow: default)
PR status, mergeable: true, merged: false
Skipping plan policy checks because plan storage is not configured.
Lock fastnorth/terraform-github#organizations_fastnorth_repositories_github-actions
Lock result: false
Running 'digger apply' for project 'organizations_fastnorth_repositories_github-docker-build' (workflow: default)
PR status, mergeable: true, merged: false
Skipping plan policy checks because plan storage is not configured.
Lock fastnorth/terraform-github#organizations_fastnorth_repositories_github-docker-build
Lock result: false
Running 'digger apply' for project 'organizations_fastnorth_repositories_github-ecs-deploy' (workflow: default)
PR status, mergeable: true, merged: false
Skipping plan policy checks because plan storage is not configured.
Lock fastnorth/terraform-github#organizations_fastnorth_repositories_github-ecs-deploy
Lock result: false
Running 'digger apply' for project 'organizations_fastnorth_repositories_github-ecs-job-controller' (workflow: default)
PR status, mergeable: true, merged: false
Skipping plan policy checks because plan storage is not configured.
Lock fastnorth/terraform-github#organizations_fastnorth_repositories_github-ecs-job-controller
Lock result: false
Running 'digger apply' for project 'organizations_fastnorth_repositories_github-stats' (workflow: default)
PR status, mergeable: true, merged: false
Skipping plan policy checks because plan storage is not configured.
Lock fastnorth/terraform-github#organizations_fastnorth_repositories_github-stats
Lock result: false
Running 'digger apply' for project 'organizations_fastnorth_repositories_github-tf-static-analysis' (workflow: default)
PR status, mergeable: true, merged: false
Skipping plan policy checks because plan storage is not configured.
Lock fastnorth/terraform-github#organizations_fastnorth_repositories_github-tf-static-analysis
Lock result: false
Running 'digger apply' for project 'organizations_fastnorth_repositories_github-utils' (workflow: default)
PR status, mergeable: true, merged: false
Skipping plan policy checks because plan storage is not configured.
Lock fastnorth/terraform-github#organizations_fastnorth_repositories_github-utils
Lock result: false
Commands executed successfully
Digger finished successfully
motatoes commented 1 week ago

Hi there, thanks for reporting! Seems you are using digger in backendless mode. Any more context around your workflow file and digger.yml would help debug firthwr the issue

carcunha commented 1 week ago

This is my digger.yml:

allow_draft_prs: true
    - block_name: fastnorth
      root_dir: organizations/fastnorth/
      terragrunt: true
        parallel: true
        createProjectName: true
  auto_merge: true

And this is my workflow file:

name: Digger terraform CI

    branches: ["main"]
    types: [closed, opened, synchronize, reopened]
    types: [created]
    if: contains(github.event.comment.body, 'digger')

      actions: write        # required for plan persistence
      contents: write       # required to merge PRs
      id-token: write       # required for workload-identity-federation
      pull-requests: write  # required to post PR comments
      statuses: write       # required to validate combined PR status

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    timeout-minutes: 60  # Same as the OIDC validtity time for now

      - name: digger run
        uses: diggerhq/digger@v0.5.11
          setup-aws: true
          aws-role-to-assume: "arn:aws:iam::************:role/tf/github-terraform-digger"
          setup-terraform: false
          setup-tfenv: true
          setup-terragrunt: true
          terragrunt-version: 0.58.14
          configure-checkout: true
          no-backend: true
          cache-dependencies: true
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          GITHUB_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(github) }}
          TF_VAR_github_token: ${{ secrets.ADMIN_TOKEN }}
carcunha commented 1 week ago

One more piece of information. I just tried issueing a digger unlock first. And then another digger apply. Then it works. But the lock was acquired when the PR was opened, and I believe that a digger apply for that same PR should re-use that same lock, and unlock when it's finished applying, and then merge.

opp-svega commented 1 week ago

I am having a similar issue, when I create a pull request my plan runs. But if i were to commit again to the same pull request, i have to unlock manually and then manually run digger plan before a plan run agains. Once i have a successful plan, i have to run digger unlock and then digger apply to apply my terraform.

carcunha commented 6 days ago

I rolled back to v0.5.10 and it's working as expected now. So the issue seens to have been introduced on 0.5.11

motatoes commented 5 days ago

Thanks folks for chiming in with these details to repro. Thanks @carcunha for helping pinpoint the version of the error. I'm suspecting its related to our recently introduced flag in digger.yml to disable locking from there #1586 #1578 so will start to look from there for something that could have caused it.