diggerhq / digger

Digger is an open source IaC orchestration tool. Digger allows you to run IaC in your existing CI pipeline ⚡️
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Support terraform state operations #428

Open ZIJ opened 1 year ago

ZIJ commented 1 year ago

Sometimes it happens that you need to fix something manually via terraform state commands. Do you support terraform state/import commands? It would be great if user could just type digger state list/mv/rm or digger import... directly in PR comment and get the result in the next comment from digger

Raised by Igor Pinchuk (from commonground ai)


Thought (by Igor Z): this is another pointer towards the "state manager" piece; the UI demoware we have also points this way (list of projects). Admin flow is the same thing - operations on projects (each of them corresponding to a piece of state). UI or CLI or API that doesn't change the fact that our tool needs to support these operations one way or another. And this in turn boils down to the "source of truth" question, it is a fork in the road in some sense: if the source of truth for projects is digger.yml that's a completely different route vs the source of truth being in the DB (cloud or self-hosted). Some deeper product thinking needed

tagging @motatoes

ZIJ commented 9 months ago

Related to #223

ZIJ commented 9 months ago

User A.L.:

One wish would be the ability to run custom TF commands (like importing existing resources etc) without needing to run them from my local

Lp-Francois commented 7 months ago

Hey 👋 Is the terraform import block currently supported? It would be super useful to import production resources created from the UI in the past https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/language/import

motatoes commented 7 months ago

Hey @Lp-Francois not yet, we should prioritise it :)