digiLab-ai / twinLab-Tutorials

A demonstration of twinLab, a tool that makes it easy to incorporate Probabilisitic Machine Learning into engineering workflows
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Write new generative-AI notebook #7

Open alexander-mead opened 9 months ago

alexander-mead commented 9 months ago

Over the summer, Michelle and I (and Tiny Tim) made this example, which uses twinLab to create a generative model of digits: https://github.com/alexander-mead/dogGenAI

It's called "dogGenAI" because initially the plan was to try and generate images of dogs, but that didn't work out so well, probably because dogs are more complicated than digits.

I think it would be nice if this could be included as a new example notebook within this repository. In its current state, the notebook uses the twinLab library directly, rather than the client. So you would need to convert it to client format and then tidy it up a bit.

will-digilab commented 1 month ago

Should we delete this?

alexander-mead commented 1 month ago

I think this would still be valuable and interesting. The work is already done, and it would just need to be packaged as a tutorial or a demo (probably better as a demo).