I have been thinking about a resources page since Karen sent her link. I see no point in a link farm to every digital A&H effort in the world, and I don't really see value in less than that except for one case, which would be curated sets of links. So with that, I have three ideas that I want to bounce off you.
find a couple of good "meta" digital humanities sites and link to those (and make sure we are linked from within them!). THis would be a good effort toward publicizing our work to find and make sure we are linked to in these clearinghouse/1996 yahoo type sites. We should put together a little press packet for this purpose and start on it.
Place based. What would be valuable would be to collect the various digital A&H work already done at UH and in the community and link farm that. CHristine's link below is a good example of something that would be useful to a number of people, students and faculty alike, but probably no one knows about it. This could tie in with pretty much anything that comes out of the “research” category on WP.
Curated trips. Have different people, both faculty and students, give us a tour of the DigiA&H sites they use and why.
Resources page. We have the google form setup and the web page here, though the theme cramps it.
I have been thinking about a resources page since Karen sent her link. I see no point in a link farm to every digital A&H effort in the world, and I don't really see value in less than that except for one case, which would be curated sets of links. So with that, I have three ideas that I want to bounce off you.
find a couple of good "meta" digital humanities sites and link to those (and make sure we are linked from within them!). THis would be a good effort toward publicizing our work to find and make sure we are linked to in these clearinghouse/1996 yahoo type sites. We should put together a little press packet for this purpose and start on it.
Place based. What would be valuable would be to collect the various digital A&H work already done at UH and in the community and link farm that. CHristine's link below is a good example of something that would be useful to a number of people, students and faculty alike, but probably no one knows about it. This could tie in with pretty much anything that comes out of the “research” category on WP. Curated trips. Have different people, both faculty and students, give us a tour of the DigiA&H sites they use and why.