Event 1 (#89) and event 2 (#109) will help explain the idea. See the bottom of this page for some more materials on the idea.
Future possible events. ANy ideas for other events? Hist400 students, what would you think about doing some short presentations on ethnodigital sonics as you come to understand it from when we cover it in class? It would be for Spring 2016.
3 I could do something on the idea of ethnodigital sonics and the african music in jamaica stuff (see the doc below) THis may be too academic, but maybe not if I do a live demonstration of the instruments, both digital and analog as a sampling walkthrough.
4 Bring in DJ/Rupture. #122
Julia's project (#43)
@damg70 Can we plan something for Spring (or late this (fall 2015) semester) that is low budget/piggybacks on something else? Keep the name in circulation. Any ideas?
Here is a draft of an article explaining it with an example from the seventeenth century: Rath-EthnoDigitalSonics-draft.pdf
and here is a vue map that may inform or befuddle
Event 1 (#89) and event 2 (#109) will help explain the idea. See the bottom of this page for some more materials on the idea.
Future possible events. ANy ideas for other events? Hist400 students, what would you think about doing some short presentations on ethnodigital sonics as you come to understand it from when we cover it in class? It would be for Spring 2016.
3 I could do something on the idea of ethnodigital sonics and the african music in jamaica stuff (see the doc below) THis may be too academic, but maybe not if I do a live demonstration of the instruments, both digital and analog as a sampling walkthrough.
4 Bring in DJ/Rupture. #122
@damg70 Can we plan something for Spring (or late this (fall 2015) semester) that is low budget/piggybacks on something else? Keep the name in circulation. Any ideas?
Here is a draft of an article explaining it with an example from the seventeenth century: Rath-EthnoDigitalSonics-draft.pdf and here is a vue map that may inform or befuddle