we get the "this application is not authorized to use CAS" message.
According to UH policy @rcrath is the only person authorized to contact them to have them correct this problem. Seeing as there is no real difference between the njs and the admin landing pages this is probably a bureaucratic error on their part.
@rcrath @Viltaria Tyler showed me how one of the two URLs that we requested to have access to the UH ID login system has been approved.
https://dahi.manoa.hawaii.edu/njs/admin has been approved
but apparently
https://dahi.manoa.hawaii.edu/njs/ has not.
we get the "this application is not authorized to use CAS" message.
According to UH policy @rcrath is the only person authorized to contact them to have them correct this problem. Seeing as there is no real difference between the njs and the admin landing pages this is probably a bureaucratic error on their part.