digidem / edt-offline

Low-energy device that creates an access-point with the Earth Defender's Toolkit platform running, even without the Internet. It provides applications, documentation, use cases, curated websites, and application bridges.
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Add docker scaffolding for map-packer and guardianconnector services #64

Open rudokemper opened 1 month ago

rudokemper commented 1 month ago


luandro commented 1 month ago


github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

PR Review 🔍

⏱️ Estimated effort to review [1-5] 3, because the PR introduces significant changes to the environment configuration and service definitions in Docker, which requires careful review to ensure compatibility and security. The addition of new services and environment variables increases the complexity of the review.
🧪 Relevant tests No
⚡ Possible issues Possible Security Issue: The PR introduces new environment variables for Azure storage and Mapbox without default values, which could potentially be misconfigured or expose sensitive data if not handled properly.
Possible Configuration Error: The `DB_PORT` for the `map-packer` service is set to 8083, which is typically used for HTTP traffic and might conflict with other services.
🔒 Security concerns Sensitive information exposure: The PR includes API keys and database credentials in the environment variables, which could be exposed if the Docker configuration or the environment is not secured properly.
Code feedback:
relevant filebalena.yml
suggestion       Ensure that sensitive information such as `AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STORAGE_KEY` and `VUE_APP_PLANET_API_KEY` are not hardcoded or exposed in the configuration files. Consider using environment variables or secrets management solutions to handle sensitive data securely. [important]

relevant filedocker-compose.yml
suggestion       Modify the `DB_PORT` for the `map-packer` service to use a more appropriate port that is not typically used for other common services to avoid potential conflicts. [important]
relevant lineDB_PORT: 8083

relevant filedocker-compose.yml
suggestion       Consider adding a volume for the `map-packer` service to persist data if necessary, similar to other services to ensure data durability across container restarts. [medium]
relevant linevolumes:

relevant filedocker-compose.yml
suggestion       Review and ensure that the `DATABASE_URL` environment variable is updated across all services that depend on the database to reflect the new database service name change from `terrastories-db` to `database`. [important]
relevant line- database

luandro commented 1 month ago


github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

PR Code Suggestions ✨

CategorySuggestion                                                                                                                                    Score
Best practice
Pin the version of balena-cli to avoid potential breaking changes ___ **Consider pinning the version of balena-cli to a specific major version to avoid potential
breaking changes with future updates. This can help ensure the stability and
predictability of your deployment process.** [.github/actions/deploy-balena-image/action.yml [58]](https://github.com/digidem/edt-offline/pull/64/files#diff-aede1820b7aac4441b076aa744ec22c8365ebaf3a2489ee6886fc6abf03186daR58-R58) ```diff -npm install balena-cli --global --production --unsafe-perm +npm install balena-cli@18 --global --production --unsafe-perm ```
Suggestion importance[1-10]: 9 Why: Pinning the version of `balena-cli` helps prevent potential breaking changes from future updates, ensuring stability and predictability in the deployment process. This is a best practice for maintaining consistent behavior.
Specify a more precise node version to enhance reliability ___ **Use a more specific node version instead of the latest major release to avoid potential
incompatibilities with newer versions. This change enhances the reliability of the setup.** [.github/actions/deploy-balena-image/action.yml [53]](https://github.com/digidem/edt-offline/pull/64/files#diff-aede1820b7aac4441b076aa744ec22c8365ebaf3a2489ee6886fc6abf03186daR53-R53) ```diff -node-version: '20' +node-version: '20.x' ```
Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: Using a more specific node version (e.g., '20.x') instead of just '20' can prevent potential incompatibilities with newer versions, enhancing the reliability of the setup.
Provide default values or secure handling for environment variables ___ **It's recommended to provide default values for environment variables or ensure they are
securely managed if they are sensitive. This prevents potential runtime errors and
security vulnerabilities.** [balena.yml [60-61]](https://github.com/digidem/edt-offline/pull/64/files#diff-8448e809945865b05ca68634bac731b7197e4631eebe6531f849cb56918e6908R60-R61) ```diff -- AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_ACCOUNT_NAME: -- AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STORAGE_KEY: +- AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_ACCOUNT_NAME: default_account_name +- AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STORAGE_KEY: ${AZURE_STORAGE_KEY} ```
Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: Providing default values or ensuring secure management of environment variables can prevent runtime errors and security vulnerabilities. However, the suggested default values should be carefully chosen to avoid introducing security risks.
Change the database port to avoid conflicts and enhance security ___ **Ensure that the database port does not conflict with other services and consider using a
non-default port for enhanced security.** [docker-compose.yml [108]](https://github.com/digidem/edt-offline/pull/64/files#diff-e45e45baeda1c1e73482975a664062aa56f20c03dd9d64a827aba57775bed0d3R108-R108) ```diff -- 5432:5432 +- 5433:5432 ```
Suggestion importance[1-10]: 6 Why: Changing the database port can help avoid conflicts with other services and enhance security. However, this change should be carefully coordinated to ensure it does not disrupt existing configurations.