digidem / mapeo-core

Library for creating custom geo data and syncronizing via a peer to peer network
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Created by device id #102

Closed okdistribute closed 3 years ago

okdistribute commented 3 years ago

Right now if you create an element/obs on one device, and then edit it on another device, it's difficult and/or impossible to figure out who was the original creator of the element/obs because the device id changes to the latest edit, not of the creator.

It might be nice to have multiple fields, one for creator and one for editor.

We can create an additional index and send a virtual field.

hackergrrl commented 3 years ago

@okdistribute What feature does this support? Also, any ideas on timeline & urgency?

okdistribute commented 3 years ago

@noffle we discussed this in the morning.. no idea about urgency but I imagine by the next mapeo release late aug

okdistribute commented 3 years ago

The use case is that the mobile app currently prevents users from editing observations that they didn't create; but the field reflects who last edited it, not who created it originally.

hackergrrl commented 3 years ago

@okdistribute Thanks for refreshing me!

gmaclennan commented 3 years ago

@okdistribute just surfacing this again. I don't think it's urgent, but at some point it will crop up for users and be frustrating. We should review this for October's priorities and decide when to add it.

okdistribute commented 3 years ago

@gmaclennan I agree; after I get Md 5.4 out the door we can discuss