digidem / react-mapfilter

Visualizing, exploring, filtering and printing geographic data and geotagged photos and video
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Namespace DiscreteFilter value translations by field_key #86

Open GoGoCarl opened 6 years ago

GoGoCarl commented 6 years ago

Referencing the line here: https://github.com/digidem/react-mapfilter/blob/next/src/components/FilterPane/DiscreteFilter.js#L153

The formatted value for discrete filters is based on field_label.${value} where value is whatever the actual value of the filter is.

For translation purposes, it would be nice to have that translation key namespaced based on the current filter field, to avoid value collisions when two different filter fields have values with the same token name. So something like field_value.mining would become field_value.happening.mining.

This may or may not be the best solution, just making a suggestion based on the fact that with the current setup, it is not possible for, say, field_value.happening.other and field_value.people.other to display different values, as they would both key in on field_value.other.

okdistribute commented 6 years ago

Thanks @GoGoCarl . Right now I think we're providing this by people overriding the translations object, like this: https://github.com/digidem/mapfilter-desktop/commit/3e8b034cae319d4461a8fba1ace9680e0ed687d2

GoGoCarl commented 6 years ago

Hey @karissa -- yes, the custom translations are now possible by overriding the translations object; however, I was referring to the actual translation id that being keyed in on for this value. I believe this change would need to happen in util/intl_helpers.

Again, not sure of the best approach, and non-critical, but wanted to bring it up.