digimezzo / dopamine

The audio player that keeps it simple
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Player gets hung up on Refreshing since latest preview update #548

Closed AlicePangolin closed 5 months ago

AlicePangolin commented 6 months ago

Hi there - since about the first of the year, the player has taken ages to index. See log below - it took almost 20 minutes to index 27 new tracks.

[2024-01-08 08:49:39.257] [info] [Main] [Main] +++ Starting +++ [2024-01-08 08:49:40.213] [info] [AppComponent] [ngOnInit] +++ Started Dopamine 3.0.0-preview.23 +++ [2024-01-08 08:49:40.242] [info] [AppearanceService] [applyTheme] Applied theme name=Dopamine' and theme classes='default-theme-dark' [2024-01-08 08:49:40.328] [info] [DatabaseMigrator] [migrateAsync] The database is up to date. No migrations to perform. [2024-01-08 08:49:40.351] [info] [FileService] [hasPlayableFilesAsParameters] Found parameters: C:\Program Files\Dopamine\Dopamine.exe [2024-01-08 08:49:43.420] [info] [IndexingService] [indexCollectionIfOutdatedAsync] Indexing collection. [2024-01-08 08:51:08.267] [info] [CollectionChecker] [isCollectionOutdatedAsync] collectionIsOutdated=true, tracksNeedIndexing=false, numberOfTracksHasChanged=true, lastDateModifiedHasChanged=true [2024-01-08 08:51:08.270] [info] [IndexingService] [indexCollectionIfOutdatedAsync] Collection is outdated. [2024-01-08 08:51:08.272] [info] [TrackIndexer] [indexTracksAsync] +++ STARTED INDEXING TRACKS +++ [2024-01-08 08:51:08.280] [info] [TrackRemover] [removeTracksThatDoNoNotBelongToFoldersAsync] There are no tracks to remove. Time required: 2 ms [2024-01-08 08:51:08.703] [info] [TrackRemover] [removeTracksThatAreNotFoundOnDiskAsync] Found 25417 tracks. [2024-01-08 08:51:27.944] [info] [TrackRemover] [removeTracksThatAreNotFoundOnDiskAsync] Removed 0 tracks. Time required: 19662 ms [2024-01-08 08:51:27.963] [info] [TrackRemover] [removeFolderTracksForInexistingTracksAsync] There are no folder tracks to remove. Time required: 17 ms [2024-01-08 09:12:36.228] [info] [TrackUpdater] [updateTracksThatAreOutOfDateAsync] Updated tracks: 0. Time required: 1268262 ms [2024-01-08 09:13:24.116] [info] [TrackAdder] [addTracksThatAreNotInTheDatabaseAsync] Added tracks: 27. Time required: 47884 ms [2024-01-08 09:13:24.119] [info] [TrackIndexer] [indexTracksAsync] +++ FINISHED INDEXING TRACKS (Time required: 1335846 ms) +++ [2024-01-08 09:13:26.087] [info] [AlbumArtworkIndexer] [indexAlbumArtworkAsync] +++ STARTED INDEXING ALBUM ARTWORK +++ [2024-01-08 09:13:26.123] [info] [AlbumArtworkRemover] [removeAlbumArtworkThatHasNoTrackAsync] There is no album artwork to remove. Time required: 35 ms. [2024-01-08 09:13:26.147] [info] [AlbumArtworkRemover] [removeAlbumArtworkForTracksThatNeedAlbumArtworkIndexingAsync] There is no album artwork to remove. Time required: 23 ms. [2024-01-08 09:13:26.329] [info] [AlbumArtworkAdder] [addAlbumArtworkForTracksThatNeedAlbumArtworkIndexingAsync] Found 2260 album data that needs indexing

digimezzo commented 6 months ago

@AlicePangolin In the folder where you found Dopamine.log, is there a file main.log? If yes and if it contains logging, could you also paste that log here? Thank you.

AlicePangolin commented 6 months ago

@digimezzo There's no main file in the folder. I looked elsewhere in the Dopamine folder and didn't see one there either. Is there a way I can generate it through the app?

digimezzo commented 6 months ago

@AlicePangolin It's ok, the main.log file does not always get created. I'm trying to understand why it would hang like that. You didn't have this problem in older previews, even with the same amount of audio files? Are the files on a network drive?

AlicePangolin commented 6 months ago

It would take a few minutes to index everything in prior previews, but since this latest one it always takes 10+ minutes for me, even up to an hour or so. My files are on a pCloud account; this has been true since I first started using the player though. I've probably gotten around 100 new files since the start of the year.

digimezzo commented 6 months ago

@AlicePangolin Would you mind attaching your Dopamine.db file to this issue? Thanks.

AlicePangolin commented 6 months ago

Yes, link attached: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GJCSBjuXYPNoJ_Dnf8W6P3LCLi0Is2Ol/view?usp=drive_link

digimezzo commented 6 months ago

Thank you for the Dopamine.db. It's very helpful. I see spots in the code where I accidentally introduced a slowdown in indexing since Preview 22. I'm trying to improve that now and I'll publish a fix in preview 24.