digint / btrbk

Tool for creating snapshots and remote backups of btrfs subvolumes
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Cannot resolve broken state #473

Open mxmilkiib opened 2 years ago

mxmilkiib commented 2 years ago

I don't know how this problem came about. I had the systemd timer running for a few days, and it looks like I've three snapshots of the home. subvolume and four of the ROOT. subvolume on the remote. I was trying to confirm new commands by running btrbk, but it gives me the error;

WARNING: Target subvolume "[321]:/media/media/backup/red/ROOT.20220427T0000" exists, but is not a receive target of "/btrbk_snapshots/ROOT.20220427T0000"
WARNING: Please delete stray subvolumes: "btrbk clean[321]:/media/media/backup/red"
WARNING: Skipping backup of: /btrbk_snapshots/ROOT.20220427T0000
ERROR: Failed to send/receive subvolume: /btrbk_snapshots/home.20220427T0000 [//btrbk_snapshots/home.20220426T0000] ->[321]:/media/media/backup/red/home.20220427T0000
ERROR: ... Command execution failed (exitcode=1)
ERROR: ... sh: sudo -n btrfs send -p '//btrbk_snapshots/home.20220426T0000' '/btrbk_snapshots/home.20220427T0000' | mbuffer -v 1 -q -m 256m | zstd -c --long=31 --adapt | ssh -p 321 -i '/home/milk/.ssh/id_btrbk' -o compression=no btrfsbackup@ 'zstd -d -c --long=31 --adapt | sudo -n btrfs receive '\''/media/media/backup/red/'\'''
ERROR: ... Armbian 21.02.4 Buster
ERROR: ... creating snapshot backup/red/home.20220426T0000 -> home.20220427T0000 failed: Read-only file system
ERROR: ... failed to check target subvolume:[321]:/media/media/backup/red/home.20220427T0000
ERROR: ... Command execution failed (exitcode=1)
ERROR: ... sh: ssh -p 321 -i '/home/milk/.ssh/id_btrbk' btrfsbackup@ 'sudo -n btrfs subvolume show '\''/media/media/backup/red/home.20220427T0000'\'''
ERROR: ... Armbian 21.02.4 Buster
ERROR: ... cannot find real path for '/media/media/backup/red/home.20220427T0000': No such file or directory
ERROR: Error while resuming backups, aborting
WARNING: Skipping cleanup of snapshots for subvolume "/home", as at least one target aborted earlier
Backup Summary (btrbk command line client, version 0.32.1)

    Date:   Wed Apr 27 01:19:07 2022
    Config: /etc/btrbk/btrbk.conf

    ===  up-to-date subvolume (source snapshot)
    +++  created subvolume (source snapshot)
    ---  deleted subvolume
    ***  received subvolume (non-incremental)
    >>>  received subvolume (incremental)
+++ /btrbk_snapshots/ROOT.20220427T0119

+++ /btrbk_snapshots/home.20220427T0119
!!! Target "[321]:/media/media/backup/red" aborted: Failed to send/receive subvolume

NOTE: Some errors occurred, which may result in missing backups!
Please check warning and error messages above.
Please delete stray subvolumes: "btrbk clean[321]:/media/media/backup/red"

If I try sudo btrbk clean[321]:/media/media/backup/red in zsh, I get zsh: no matches found:[321]:/media/media/backup/red

If I run bash and try the same again, I get ERROR: Filter argument "[321]:/media/media/backup/red" does not match any volume, subvolume, target or group declaration

If I do sudo btrbk clean, I get;

ERROR: Failed to match error messages from delete command, assuming nothing deleted
ERROR: ... Command execution failed (exitcode=1)
ERROR: ... sh: ssh -p 321 -i '/home/milk/.ssh/id_btrbk' btrfsbackup@ 'sudo -n btrfs subvolume delete '\''/media/media/backup/red/ROOT.20220427T0000'\'''
ERROR: ... Armbian 21.02.4 Buster
ERROR: ... Could not destroy subvolume/snapshot: Read-only file system
ERROR: Possibly not deleted subvolume:[321]:/media/media/backup/red/ROOT.20220427T0000
ERROR: Consider running 'btrbk prune -n'
Cleanup Summary (btrbk command line client, version 0.32.1)

    Date:   Wed Apr 27 01:21:43 2022
    Config: /etc/btrbk/btrbk.conf

    ---  deleted subvolume (incomplete backup)
!!! Target "[321]:/media/media/backup/red" aborted: Failed to delete incomplete target subvolume[321]:/media/media/backup/red/home.*

NOTE: Some errors occurred, which may result in missing backups!
Please check warning and error messages above.

If I do sudo btrbk prune I get;

Backup Summary (btrbk command line client, version 0.32.1)

    Date:   Wed Apr 27 01:22:22 2022
    Config: /etc/btrbk/btrbk.conf

    prune: No snapshots created
    prune: No backups created

    ===  up-to-date subvolume (source snapshot)
    +++  created subvolume (source snapshot)
    ---  deleted subvolume
    ***  received subvolume (non-incremental)
    >>>  received subvolume (incremental)


I tried logging into the remote host to do sudo btrfs property set -ts ROOT.20220427T0000 ro false, I just get ERROR: Could not set subvolume flags: Read-only file system.

So I'm a bit confued and lost! Any advice would be apprecieated, thanks!

digint commented 1 year ago

sorry I kind of missed that one, looks like a btrfs filesystem problem to me (without deep analysis ;-). Is this still an issue?

mxmilkiib commented 1 year ago

I just had to override (can't remember how, um maybe a mount?) and delete manually, it had only done a few backup cycles by that point tho though. (Saying that, I haven't actually checked in with it all lately.)