digipres / registries-of-practice-project

The "Registries of Good Practice" Project
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Create learning resources to help people use technical registries #13

Open anjackson opened 3 months ago

anjackson commented 3 months ago

Collaborate with Yale team to create a synchronous and/or asynchronous learning resource (webinar, step-by-step tutorial, etc.) that would help digital preservation practitioners query and leverage the registry and metadata ecosystem (including the Format Registry Aggregator, the Yale Software Registry Wikibase, and others) to identify software they would need to render a certain file format via emulation.

This would build on Kat's previous work: https://www.dpconline.org/news/twgn-wikidata-gen and on #8 with more worked examples, exploring issues around completeness and granularity.

Initial focus would be on understanding and using the data. If possible, the training could also be extended to demonstrate how practitioners could contribute information to registries.

Precisely how this is implemented is to be determined, but it would need to be something more accessible and re-usable than PDF or PPT as these seem to make it difficult to re-use SPARQL queries.

Examples of learning resources we might want to learn from: