digipres / registries-of-practice-project

The "Registries of Good Practice" Project
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Survey the 'landscape' of preservation registries, and how they are used #2

Open anjackson opened 3 months ago

anjackson commented 3 months ago

The general idea of providing some kind of point-in-time survey of 'registry' information sources that are in active use in digital preservation.

As raised in the 2024-05-23 PRONOM call, our lists and registries are biased towards the western world and en-gb/en-us resources. It would be good to push back against that somewhat.

If all agree, this can be integrated into the DigiPres Awesome List. Perhaps as well as mapped out somehow.

Also look at checking if these things are in web archives? Submitting these things to web archives? Using the Awesome List itself as a source for the Practice Index?


Would it help to make a visual 'maps' of registries? e.g. laid out using...

Or just laid out by hand, as here.

anjackson commented 2 months ago

Experimenting with using a Google Sheet to gather the data...


anjackson commented 2 months ago

Would a 'registry of bad practices' make any sense? Or just be needlessly divisive?

ross-spencer commented 2 months ago

Would a 'registry of bad practices' make any sense? Or just be needlessly divisive?

Divisive, overreach, gate-keeping? Take your pick.

anjackson commented 2 months ago

Hah, yeah. The idea was suggested so I thought I'd record it. But I think it's likely better to focus on the positive.