digipres / registries-of-practice-project

The "Registries of Good Practice" Project
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Investigate COPTR's Past & Propose Futures #26

Open anjackson opened 3 weeks ago

anjackson commented 3 weeks ago

As part of this project, we need to document and understand COPTR as it is, and propose some possible ways to manage it in the future.

ross-spencer commented 3 weeks ago

who depends on COPTR? What do they need?

I'd be interested to know how complete it is and how to promote people adding anything they're coming across. I still find tools that I'm surprised not to find here. I added ArchiveBox, for example, only recently and that has been around a while. Also, I'm not sure folks writing tooling necessarily feel comfortable just coming in and adding the latest new thing, so maybe there's something about what kind of ways people could be better pushed to contribute.

WRT maintenance, then there's a lot of SPAM currently - seems like there is no "maintainer" per se?


ross-spencer commented 3 weeks ago

so maybe there's something about what kind of ways people could be better pushed to contribute.

Also, maybe there's a higher level of record that could be added for orgs+maintainers/individuals? (most of the things I find these days are from looking at the feeds in GitHub from individuals I follow)