digirati-co-uk / iiif-manifest-editor

Create new IIIF Manifests. Modify existing manifests. Tell stories with IIIF.
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Canvas editor using IIIF Image API #18

Open sammeltassen opened 2 years ago

sammeltassen commented 2 years ago

Current editor loads /full/full versions of images, causing huge page loads

tomcrane commented 2 years ago

I think we would defer choice of what image requests are made to the canvas panel component.

The manifest editor could even favour loading of static images appropriate to the viewport, rather than deep zoom. Or make that configurable. Or load a static small placeholder and scale it up, then load a higher resolution image after a short delay.

When editing a manifest you are often moving backwards and forwards through the canvas list, and if each canvas change is triggering a large image request it will swamp the traffic. It's OK for the canvas to be blurry for a second before realising that you are lingering on this canvas...

If it's a canvas you have previously loaded and the manifest editor knows your browser cache will have it already (how?), it could skip the delay.

These loading delays and optimisations for perceived speed - I wonder how different an editor's requirements are from a viewer's?

(but yes, making /full/full/ requests unnecessarily is not something we would do in the new version).