digirati-co-uk / iiif-manifest-editor

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Media 1: Static Image #193

Closed tomcrane closed 1 year ago

tomcrane commented 2 years ago

Reference: https://tomcrane.github.io/scratch/me/media.html#case1


Media is just a static image. In the items list, it has the label Static Image.


Each row is a painting anno, not just the media that forms the body of a painting anno:

    "id": "https:/example.org/anno1",
    "type": "Annotation",
    "motivation": "painting",
    "body": {
        "id": "https:/example.org/images/image1",
        "type": "Image",
        "width": 791,
        "height": 1024,
        "format": "image/jpeg"
    "target": "https:/example.org/canvas1"

Editing Scenario

When you edit, you are editing the painting anno, not just the image. It's right for this to say "Edit media item" because it makes sense - but the "media item" is a painting annotation:


You can’t edit the media properties of the image itself - its height and width, its type and format. You can delete the whole painting annotation if you don't want this image on the canvas.

The reason you can’t edit these properties is that we should have learned all about it from the analyser. If the analyser couldn’t load it into an img tag, it shouldn’t be in the Manifest as the static image resource. In practice, this ideal might not always work and we would have to be able to override things like width, height, format.

However you can add or edit common resource properties like behavior, language, profile, label, rights and many more - the common set in issue #94 and others issues.

You have the option to add an image service.

All you can do is paste the URL of the image service; the ME will load it and display info but it’s an external resource, you can’t change things like w,h or profile. This operation turns 1. Static Image into 4. Image with Image Service.

You can also change the target - from the whole canvas, to a particular region, toggled by a checkbox - or a link.

Creation Scenario

Created from a standard analysed paste into a dialogue box. See https://tomcrane.github.io/scratch/me/media.html