digistump / DigisparkArduinoIntegration

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Add directional arrow key #20

Open Minepas87 opened 5 years ago

Minepas87 commented 5 years ago

Please can you add directional arrow to the key?

FunctionalJerk commented 2 years ago

Are you talking about these symbols: ←→↓↑ or about the keys on the keyboard? Case 1 just type them out or declare a function that does it for you (alt + 24..27). case 2 they're in the library. Maybe you're looking for usage-IDs for the keypad-keys? Either way, read into the source code of this library.

xxCLIMBINGMANxx commented 1 year ago

In the DigiKeyboard.h there are no definitions for the right, up and down keys. You can edit the file and add these 3 lines

define KEY_ARROW_RIGHT 0x4f

define KEY_ARROW_UP 0x52

define KEY_ARROW_DOWN 0x51

these are the scan codes for the missing keys. just copy paste them into your existing DigiKeyboard.h file