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Problem with DigiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke() #22

Open BeastHunter66 opened 4 years ago

BeastHunter66 commented 4 years ago

no matching function for call to 'DigiKeyboardDevice::sendKeyStroke(int, int, int)'

I get this error everytime i put more than one key at a time.

terceranexus6 commented 3 years ago

I think you can only send two values?

ghost commented 1 year ago

In the sendKeyStroke() function we can send single, double, and triple keystrokes at the same time.

  1. sendKeyStroke(𝒙) 𝒙 is the single keystroke of a key. It is used to inject a single keystroke into a PC/Laptop. Example – DigiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke(KEY_R); This example shows that the key R is pressed.

  2. sendKeyStroke(𝒚, 𝒙) 𝑥 is the first keystroke. 𝑦 is the second keystroke. It is used to inject two keystrokes at the same time into a PC/Laptop. Two keystrokes are separated by a comma. Example - DigiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke(KEY_C,MOD_CONTROL_LEFT); This example shows the operation of copy by shortcut. Here, 𝑥 is MOD_CONTROL_LEFT and 𝑦 is KEY_C.

  3. sendKeyStroke(𝒛, 𝒙|𝒚) 𝑥 is the first keystroke. 𝑦 is the second keystroke. 𝑧 is the third keystroke. It is used to inject three keystrokes at the same time into a PC/Laptop. The first and second keystrokes are separated by pipe ( | ) character. Write the first keystroke then, the pipe character then the second keystroke. The third keystroke is separated by a comma. Write the third keystroke then comma, then first keystroke then pipe character, then second keystroke. Example - DigiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke(KEY_N, MOD_CONTROL_LEFT|MOD_SHIFT_LEFT); This example shows the operation of creating a new folder by shortcut. Here, 𝑥 is MOD_CONTROL_LEFT, 𝑦 is MOD_SHIFT_LEFT and 𝑧 is KEY_N.

Thank You