digital-asset / daml-finance

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Support new SDK naming conventions #1213

Open lucianojoublanc-da opened 3 months ago

lucianojoublanc-da commented 3 months ago

We currently fetch SDK versions (via nix) by looking in the GH official releases page, and if not found there, in artifactory. We presently only support open-source SDKs (i.e. not EE versions).

As of 3.x, the naming conventions have changed for tarball releases. They now include the architecture in the name. What's even more confusing is that the architecture name is different depending on whether you use GH or artifactory. One uses intel vs the other x86_64. You also need to cater for arm. And take care that depending on the version no., there may be no suffix at all:

gary 5:58 PM We ( @Curtis , @Dylan ) just had an improvised meeting about the roll-out of ARM support. This is what we have decided: We currently are not planning to roll out ARM support on 2.8 or any previous version. Customer pressure could, as always, alter this position, but for now we're happy keeping this as a reason for people to upgrade. We will roll out ARM support as an Early Access feature on 2.9. This means, concretely, that: The existing binaries will not be renamed. daml-sdk-2.9.0-linux.tar.gz will be the Intel version; the ARM version will have a platform suffix: daml-sdk-2.9.0-linux-aarch64.tar.gz. Same for macOS. The ARM versions will be documented as Early Access features for 2.9.0. We may make them stable at some point through the 2.9 lifecycle. There will be no ARM version for Windows. For 3.0, we hope to be in a position where we can mark the ARM versions as stable starting with 3.0.0.. Regardless, starting with 3.0.0, all artifacts will have a platform designation (daml-sdk-3.0.0-windows-x86_64.tar.gz, daml-sdk-3.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz, daml-sdk-3.0.0-aarch64.tar.gz, etc.).

This affects

lucianojoublanc-da commented 3 months ago

Note this will also be an issue in daml-ctl and canton-registry-app.

lucianojoublanc-da commented 3 months ago

simon 1 day ago @Luciano : you may be able to copy our script here:

We can't copy this verbatim, but will certainly help.