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Buggy code in - csv_to_psql -- dc_proj/dc_dash/ #15

Open RohitDhankar opened 4 years ago

RohitDhankar commented 4 years ago

File "/home/dhankar/_dc_main/_dc_bb/digitalcognition/dc_proj/dc_dash/", line 1949, in csv_to_psql csv_up_cursor.copy_from(f, str(new_table_name), sep=',') psycopg2.errors.UndefinedTable: relation "basil_1_dbtable" does not exist

There are certain instances when the same method executes and in another instance it doesnt . While testing - create a Db table with the name == basil_1_dbtable .... maybe PSQL wont accept DB table names with Underscores ? As in the Django error screen it shows the same as == basil 1 dbtable ..... notice no underscores .............psycopg2.errors.UndefinedTable: relation "basil_1_dbtable" does not exist