Slack is where we push alerts/notifications when pipelines fail. We need to ensure that airflow is capable of alerting us in slack when dags fail. specifically when we run the main scheduler dag can it alert us what failed every day?
Tech Approach
slack can be. called as an on failure call-back for the scheduler DAG
this will need some configuration in slack which @eveleighoj can help pair on to get it set up correctly
slack will need configuring in airflow. It could be worth reviewing if terraform can be used to automate this but I don’t think it can
The message should include links to all failed tasks (if those. tasks are dags then it can link to the tag run)
Acceptance Criteria/Tests
if one or more of the dags fail then a message is sent to the slack channel
Developer should be able to set up most of this
Overview Slack is where we push alerts/notifications when pipelines fail. We need to ensure that airflow is capable of alerting us in slack when dags fail. specifically when we run the main scheduler dag can it alert us what failed every day?
Tech Approach
Acceptance Criteria/Tests
Resourcing Developer should be able to set up most of this
May need admin access for parts of the task