Due to the complex and huge geometries like in flood risk zones, slow queries and long page load times are being experienced. Whenever such geometries are involved, the query execution takes significantly longer than expected. To enhance the overall performance, a solution needs to be implemented that optimizes the handling of these large and complex geometries.
Overview: Due to the complex and huge geometries like in flood risk zones, slow queries and long page load times are being experienced. Whenever such geometries are involved, the query execution takes significantly longer than expected. To enhance the overall performance, a solution needs to be implemented that optimizes the handling of these large and complex geometries.
Link for slow query entity page load
Tech Approach: Needs to be decided
Acceptance Criteria:
Related Tickets: https://trello.com/c/qa8oK45o/3539-slow-queries-solution-excludefields-filtered-out-before-querying?filter=label:Infrastructure