digital-preservation / csv-validator

CSV Validation Tool and API (CSV Schema RI)
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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How to modify the text parser settings (especially for the max characters per column) ? #504

Open teki69 opened 2 months ago

teki69 commented 2 months ago

Hello, When I try to parse a CSV file having a quite large number of characters in a column, it crashes with the following error :

Error: com.univocity.parsers.common.TextParsingException: Length of parsed input (4097) exceeds the maximum number of characters defined in your parser settings (4096). Parser Configuration: CsvParserSettings: Auto configuration enabled=true Auto-closing enabled=true Autodetect column delimiter=false Autodetect quotes=false Column reordering enabled=true Delimiters for detection=null Empty value=null Escape unquoted values=false Header extraction enabled=null Headers=null Ignore leading whitespaces=false Ignore leading whitespaces in quotes=false Ignore trailing whitespaces=false Ignore trailing whitespaces in quotes=false Input buffer size=1048576 Input reading on separate thread=true Keep escape sequences=false Keep quotes=false Length of content displayed on error=-1 Line separator detection enabled=true Maximum number of characters per column=4096 Maximum number of columns=512 Normalize escaped line separators=true Null value=null Number of records to read=all Processor=none Restricting data in exceptions=false RowProcessor error handler=null Selected fields=none Skip bits as whitespace=true Skip empty lines=true Unescaped quote handling=nullFormat configuration: CsvFormat: Comment character=# Field delimiter=; Line separator (normalized)=\n Line separator sequence=\r\n Quote character=" Quote escape character=" Quote escape escape character=null

Would there be a way to modify that text parser settings in general, and (for my problem) especially this setting ? :

Maximum number of characters per column=4096