digital-standard / ThreeDPoseUnityBarracuda

Unity sample of 3D pose estimation using Barracuda
1.43k stars 275 forks source link

Please include ProjectSettings directory #1

Open andybak opened 4 years ago

andybak commented 4 years ago

It's fairly essential. For one thing it records the correct Unity version the project should be opened in.

andybak commented 4 years ago

I notice this line in the readme:

Put the folders named ad "Assets" and "Packages" in your Unity Project.

That's a bad way to do things. Either this is a project or it isn't if it is then you should just include ProjectSettings and tell people to open it as a project.

If it's not then it shouldn't include Packages - instead you should document the requirements separately.

In my experience it's much more reliable to do the former. There's less that can go wrong and users end up with a working version they can try out. Once they've got that then you can give instructions for adding it to an existing project.

In the latter case I find roughly 20% of Github projects not packaged as a simple project don't work out of the box. There's various reasons for this but I've learned to be wary of code that doesn't have at least a sample project available.

h-nakae commented 4 years ago

Hi andyBak

Thanks for your advise.

As you had written down here, I've added the project settings to the code and modified the tutorial. Hopefully it works fine.