Hello,I want to separate 3D pose estimation with onnx model and animation generation, and my results are strange. I estimated 3d pose parameter with onnx.runtime(python). but when I generate the animation, I found that all the model is inverse. I checked the process after the parameter generation, and there was no problem. I guess the problem lies in the preprocess of image .Could you tell me how you preprocessed the images here.
#here is the code I input the inputs to the model
def infer(self, image_data):
for t in range(3):
if image_data[t].ndim == 3:
image_data[t] = image_data[t].transpose([2, 1, 0])
image_data[t] = np.expand_dims(image_data[t], axis=0)
image_data[t] = image_data[t]/255
image_data[t] = image_data[t].astype('float32')
outputs = [output.name for output in self.session.get_outputs()]
return self.session.run(outputs, {"input.1":image_data[0],"input.4":image_data[1],"input.7":image_data[2]})
You can see that the head is inverse and her back is facing the camera
Hello,I want to separate 3D pose estimation with onnx model and animation generation, and my results are strange. I estimated 3d pose parameter with onnx.runtime(python). but when I generate the animation, I found that all the model is inverse. I checked the process after the parameter generation, and there was no problem. I guess the problem lies in the preprocess of image .Could you tell me how you preprocessed the images here.
You can see that the head is inverse and her back is facing the camera
If you see it, can you reply me? Thank you!