digital-standard / ThreeDPoseUnityBarracuda

Unity sample of 3D pose estimation using Barracuda
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Can't import or drag video into the "Video Clip" and errors occur during run the game with "Use Web Cam" #8

Open JadeCong opened 4 years ago

JadeCong commented 4 years ago

Hi, thank you for your contributions of this project. My setups are: Unbuntu(16.04LTS) + Unity(2019.3.7f1) +GPU(Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060). But there are some problems with me as following while I run the project just now according to the suggestions as post in README.

  1. I can't import the video samples from the Assets/Video in the Inspector "Video Player/Video Clip", and even can't drag the video samples into the "Video Player/Video Clip" Box in inspector.
  2. Well, then errors occur as showing "ArgumentException: Kernel TextureToTensor and TextureToTensor_NHWC are both missing" (errors starting from: Unity.Barracuda.ComputeFunc..ctor (UnityEngine.ComputeShader[] cs, System.String kn) (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.barracuda@0.7.1-preview/Barracuda/Runtime/Core/Backends/BarracudaReferenceCompute.cs:1710)) while I am running the project.

So I really appreciate you if some help provided.

yukihiko commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I've never run Unity on Unbuntu, so I don't know.

im-subash commented 2 years ago

@JadeCong the issue is with unity not accepting MP4 format video. Try it with webm (video - vp8, audio - vorbis) as mentioned in unity docs.